This research investigates the policy framework associated with remote operators, and remote operation. To define these terms, first a remote operator is quite obviously a specially trained person. This person is a requirement of securing an AV testing permit in California, and State statute requires that manufacturers deliver training to individuals serving as remote operators.
The remote operator also can means a two-way communication link between the vehicle and central hub, and for developers to track the vehicle’s location and status. While permit applicants must also identify how remote operators will interact with law enforcement, the details of the “two-way communication link” are not specified and speaks to a lack of State understanding of the capabilities and limitations of remote operation. Industry standards organizations for remote operations (e.g SAE J3016) have also weighed in on teleoperators (e.g SAE J3016), and defined a remote driver as an individual who can operate the vehicle while not inside the vehicle. The British Standards Institute, by way of the British Centre for Connected Vehicles, also has issued guidance for remote operators, focusing on the ability of a remote operator’s ability to bring a CAV to a full stop, after an ADS disengagement. (Kettwich 2021)
Research is necessary to identify what cloud computing requirements could set a baseline for ensuring that remote operation can occur during and prior to collisions in AV operation. Standards to measure and validate the performance and safety of vehicle teleoperation may improve safety outcomes. This project aims to investigate limitations on network service, which is a crucial part of vehicle teleoperation, and other advanced automated driving functions such as cooperative driving. Real-time communication has stringent requirements in terms of latency. In general, meeting the ultra-low latency requirements is very challenging in wireless networks, and supporting remote driving is an important goal of 5G systems that are being commercially deployed worldwide.